
Sweet 16

Birthday girl ♥ so much things we been through together. how beautiful. i think this is the last birthday that i could wish you eyes to eyes. after this no more you at school. every time it's your birthday, i can see you but next year ...... i want to see my best friend on my birthday too but . i always pray for you and support you in every ways. i hope in ten years later, we still like this. be friend. don't forget about me and Fatin, kay. we never ever forget both of you. i hope i can see you for the last time before you go. maybe tomorrow or sunday. i don't want to give you any pressure. so, Happy Birthday darl . hope you be a good person. when you go there, i'll try my best to go there and visit you and Mashitah. nasib baik kat sana tak payah belajar Sejarah :D take care, kay. "Haifa ! Sorry to say, ada lembu nak jaga" Lagu aliff satar tu, tak nyanyi - nyanyi pun lagi eh. blur punya pasal. fikir punya la lama sebab nak nyanyi lagu tu je. kelakar la. nanti kita nanyi eh. kau dah hafalkan :D nanti aku try hafal jugak. wei, sorry tau xD

Ha- Ha ppy Birth day tooo Haifa
Happy Birthday tooo youuuuu.